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The GEARS approach is a clear and practical strategy for finding solutions to difficult challenges, whether it be within a large organisation, or within a family home.


 The approach was developed by the EVOLVE team through years of on the ground experience in senior positions within the NHS and both public and private sectors, and through constant refining. This approach is exclusive to EVOLVE and allows us to find effective person centered solutions that translate to the real world.

Holding Hands

Gather information: Through the use of assessment tools, observations and discussion, we aim to gain a clear understanding of the key issues and/or what is causing issues.


Evaluation and formulation: The information gathered during the assessment process will be evaluated using the five P's of formulation:


- Identifying the Presenting problem

- What are the relevant Predisposing factors?

- What was the Precipitating factor that preceded the presenting problem?

- Perpetuating factors: identifying the mechanisms which keep a problem going or unintended consequences of an attempts to cope.

- Highlight and focus on Protective factors that allow us to cope the best way currently possible.


Action: The GEARS approach is not bound by one model of intervention. We advocate a multi-model approach that borrows from a wide variety of interventions e.g. psychological, environmental, communication-based. We will a develop person-centered intervention that is based on the initial assessment and formulation, and will strive to include the individual themselves as well as their family/support staff at all times and stages.


Review: It is essential that any intervention is regularly and thoroughly reviewed and evaluated. A combination of quantitative and qualitative measures will be used to test the efficacy of any intervention. A key element of our approach is to identify a GEARS coach who will oversee the intervention within the organisation or family and feedback to ourselves at EVOLVE. 


Share: In our experience good communication, or lack thereof, is one of the most significant factors in determining the ongoing success of any intervention. This can happen at a micro level (e.g. staff handover at the end/beginning of shifts or service user transitioning from day centre back to their home) or at a macro level (e.g. statutory bodies and private organisations in both childrens/adult services). We aim to provide as much consistency and continuity across settings to ensure that everyone has the information they need to provide the optimum level of support..

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